Best 6 Landing Page Strategy To Speed Up your Sales. [2021 Explanation]


 Best 6 Landing Page Strategy 

To Speed Up your Sales.

[2021 Explanation]

Best 6 Landing Page Strategy To Speed Up your Sales. [2021 Explanation]

Topics in this Article(toc)


First of all keep in mind that if you have the world’s best landing page, it was no matter if you don’t know how to use them. So if you are eagerly interested to make a best-performing landing page, follow our brand new strategy which is the land on heavens strategy (Which means landing on a good-looking and professional landing page strategy). 

This strategy is practically proven by me. If you’re a just beginner to this landing page, this post is not for you. Read my other post which is a detailed explanation about Landing Page.  So just hold my hands tightly and we start the journey of learning the new strategy land on heaven.

Supercharged Headlines

Best 6 Landing Page Strategy To Speed Up your Sales. [2021 Explanation]

Let’s research this topic. Why do we need Supercharged Headlines for our outstanding Landing Pages? They need to know what are you selling by seeing your headlines. Keep in mind your Headline should not reach more than 15-20 words. So choose your headlines wisely and catchy.

The benefit of landing page visitors is that you have already attracted their interest. Your headline's duty is to guarantee that each visitor results in a conversion.

Don't spend time thinking. Make your point.

We are just half away completed to this topic. We need to know what are elements you need to write high-quality headlines.

Relate: Optimized landing page headlines should be closely related to the goal of the source ad or content. If you promise to offer a "free version," make sure the headline conveys this and the page provides it.

Clarity: Headlines should instantly eliminate any doubts or errors. In a convincing way, tell the visitor the specific value of your offer or service.

Solution-focused: Create a headline that addresses the consumer's needs and positions your service as the answer. Visitors have come to your landing page for a reason (a need to buy, download, learn about, etc.).

Tell your visitors exactly what they need to do and why they need to do it. Here are some examples of how to focus your text on advantages rather than features:

  • Begin with a verb of action.
  • To address the reader directly, use “you” phrasing.

Your title should also fit the expectations of your audience. Consider how they arrived at your landing page. If they obtained the link through an email, a social media post, or another website, make sure you use identical content throughout.

You don't want users to visit your landing page only to be met with a strange headline. Hat’s off to the readers who still read the first journey. Now lets we boost our ride to the next stop.

Show Others What You Have to Offer

Show what offer you have for your visitors to your landing page. Visuals assist your visitors in making sense of the content and directing attention, boosting the probability that the offer will be remembered.

You may want to add a related image or video on your landing page, especially if you're providing anything physical or virtual. Images are not only eye-catching, but they help reinforce your content by presenting your product or service at work.

Stock photographs should not be used as landing page graphics (even those from actually decent stock image websites).

Ways to be creative with your landing page with pictures involve.

And these are the main technics I followed in my landing pages:

  • Try a quick clip (which may boost your conversion rate by up to 73%).
  • Utilize color combinations.
  • Use the idea of eye direction to guide models' attention to your call-to-action (CTA).
  • Take care not to overpopulate your page with images. Never use more than one main picture, especially above the break, and even that may be excessive. 
  • If a picture doesn't make sense for your offer or would make your page appear overcrowded, If not a clear, text-only landing page is preferable.

Then I think you may get what I have discussed till now. Let us take a quick journey to the next topic of this strategy.

Limit the number of form fields to a minimum level

Imagine yourself at the pace of the visitor. If someone asks about your information like Phone number, Address, or etc…. Will you give it to them, definitely you will think of it right?

So don’t make your landing page complicated with filling fields. Try to minimize filling fields.

Request just the form fields that you actually require. If you aren't making sales calls or don't care where someone resides, don't ask for their phone number or city. And don't make fields "mandatory" if they aren't.

To determine which form fields to add to your landing page, first determine which stage of the sales funnel you want to target. If you're creating a blog subscription page, for example, you might just need one field. 

If you're looking for a certain group of people, you may include more fields with the knowledge that you'll receive fewer (but more qualified) form responses.

A list of form fields that you may expect to see on different sorts of landing pages

Top-of-the-landing pages include: Email address and maybe first name

Landing pages in the middle: First name, Surname, Email address, and one or two more relevant information.

End-of-landing pages: All of the parameters listed above, as well as a few more (such as company name, organization size, website URL, or business strategy), can assist you in segmenting your audience.

Improve your Call-to-action

Best 6 Landing Page Strategy To Speed Up your Sales. [2021 Explanation]

Yes! We come to an important topic which is Call-to-action(CTA). This is very important for a successful Landing Page. Pay Attention to this topic, small things can make big changes.

Don’t do the mistakes others do on this landing page. I talking about the submit button- Don’t use these words for a massive boost in sales. Think Different like Upgrade, Get now, Get Offer Coupon, Shop Now, etc… 

Other excellent practices for landing page CTAs include:

  • Maintain it above the fold.

  • Make sure it looks like a button (perhaps using hover effects).

  • Make it stand out from the other content on the page (with a large size and contrasting colors).

Your landing page CTA should always communicate a strong call to action. This does not imply yelling at your visitors, "DO THIS NOW!" It entails being straightforward, utilizing first-person speaking, and emphasizing the significance of clicking on the CTA in general.

If your CTA does not catch your interest, it is unlikely to attract the interest of your visitors.

Use Social Proof to Back Up Your Claims

Best 6 Landing Page Strategy To Speed Up your Sales. [2021 Explanation]

Transparency may be the most effective way to get success in Marketing

I hope you will understand what this quote matters. Give Trust to your visitor. Give the proof like social media, screenshots, and videos.  

Don't expect your country's business to "speak for itself." Allow your customers to speak for you by including social proof on your landing page.

how you may use social proof on your landing page:

  • Quotes, testimonials, and/or reviews should be included.
  • Include social network updates from satisfied consumers.
  • Make use of statistics to your benefit (number of downloads, percentage of repeat customers, etc).

More than this there is also an effective way of method which giving them A Guarantee. 
This will increase the chance of sales. In a real-life case, you won’t buy things that don’t have a warranty or guarantee. So make it practical.

Everything should be split tested

Last but not least. We come to the stop where we going to learn how much this landing on heaven strategy gonna work in your sales results. 

Split Testing” means this? Start testing two different funnels. Make sure both of them were different from each other. This test is way better to know which of your funnels perform well in sales. 

Just take an example: ‘A’ and ‘B’ funnel containing the same offer, but the difference between both of them is the strategy you use on the funnel page. ‘A’ funnel contains our Landing on Heaven Strategy, ‘B’ funnel contains some other strategy or an undefined strategy. The ‘A’ Strategy will perform well.

This is how we research the strategy. Landing On Heaven Strategy is made by me and my team nearly for 2 months. Now It was a defined strategy. 

We think now you get a clear idea about split testing. But you must also have some advantages more than this. Let’s see about that.

  • You can clearly see which funnel strategy is doing good.
  • You can use analytics to improve your sales.
  • This can also help to find more strategies.

What are elements you can change in both funnels for a split test?

  • Headlines
  • Call-To-Action
  • Filling Fields
  • Pictures
  • Styles
  • Colour

Make use of this testing. You may or may not get results, it depends on how much the difference between the Funnels.


We come to the end of this journey. I think we both are learned something about Landing On Heaven Strategy. This might help your business to grow and make your clients happy. And I am happy to have a reader like you because you were traveled with throughout the journey. 

At last, I’ll end this journey with a question, whether let’s see whether you can answer my question. If you really pay attention to my content.

Why do you need to show your Offer using Headlines and Pictures more than content?

Let see in the comments.


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