What are the different types of SEO?


What are the different types of SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a multifaceted process with several subtypes. The objective of all SEO methods is the same: to optimize a website for increased visibility in search engines.

In this essay, you will learn about the many forms of SEO and the SEO strategies that are appropriate for each type.

Types of SEO

Let us begin with a short definition of SEO.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of making a website more understandable to search engines and more user-friendly. The overarching objective of SEO is to boost organic traffic from search engines by optimizing the rankings of the website in the SERPS for various search keywords.

SEO was easy in the beginning (think early 2000), but with time, the entire SEO process has gotten sophisticated.

When optimizing a website for search engines, you must examine hundreds of guidelines in order to meet the different search engine ranking variables while still keeping your visitors satisfied.

To know more about - What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

To make it easier to manage, the SEO business has developed many forms of SEO. Each kind is in charge of a different set of SEO guidelines.

What is critical to realize is that these subcategories of SEO are not separate processes; rather, they are a method of breaking down a complex process into numerous smaller processes that are easier to handle.

So, the many SEO types are as follows:

  • Technical SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Content SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Local SEO
  • Mobile SEO
  • eCommerce SEO

The most important are technical SEO, on-page SEO, and off-page SEO, as seen in the figure below.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is precisely what the name implies: technological characteristics that influence a website's appearance in search engines.

The primary objective of technical SEO is to guarantee that search engine crawlers can easily crawl and index a website.

The following are the most essential technical SEO guidelines:

  • Check and tweak your robots.txt file to ensure that search engines can visit your website appropriately.

  • Add your website to Google Search Console and validate it, as well as choose your desired domain.

  • To locate and correct crawl issues, use the COVERAGE report.

  • Make an XML sitemap and upload it to all of the main search engines.

  • Optimize the structure of your website and its URLs.

  • Use SEO-friendly web design.

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO
has to deal with the page itself and how to make it more user and search engine-friendly.

It should be emphasized that, while search engines examine a website as a whole, ranking is done on a page-by-page basis.

As a result, it is critical to focus on optimizing each and every page on your website.
The following are the most essential on-page SEO guidelines:

  • Optimize the titles of your pages. This is an important SEO element. Page titles are displayed in search results and should entice people to click. The title of a page should also provide search engine bots with adequate information about the page's content.

  • Improve your H1 Tag. While the page title is displayed in the SERPS, the H1 tag is displayed as the page's top heading. An optimized page contains only one H1 tag, which often has the same values as the page title.

  • Improve your headers. Aside from the H1 tag, a page must include subheadings (H2, H3) for each section. Subheadings make long-form material easier for people to read and crawlers to scan.

  • Image SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Any pictures used on a website should be appropriately optimized, or else search engines will be unable to grasp what they represent. Image SEO requires you to optimize the filename, file size, and ALT text.

  • Formatting the page It is not a good SEO strategy to publish a page with text and graphics without taking the time to beautify the content. Although Google cannot view a page like a human, they do have techniques to comprehend how a page appears or whether it is full of advertisements and popups, and this is factored into the ranking process.

Content SEO

Content SEO is an on-page SEO subcategory. Content SEO deals with content quality and how it may be improved.

Since this is a highly essential component for SEO's success, many believe it to be one of the forms of SEO. However, you may often discover suggestions for your material on the SEO page, which is also a proper strategy.

The winning mix is to provide outstanding content that search engines and consumers enjoy.

To do so, you can follow the following guidelines:

  • Begin your content production process with keyword research. Find crucial SEO keywords for your website and include them in your content.

  • Take it a step further and include long-tail keywords and semantically relevant (or LSI) keywords in your titles, headers, and primary content.

  • Publish content that is detailed and long enough so that consumers can find what they are looking for and search engines can comprehend the context of your material.

  • To assist people to learn more about a topic, link out to other high-quality websites (if it makes sense) and to other pages of your website.

  • Use schemas and structured data to help search engines identify essential portions of your material.

Off-Page SEO

The goal of off-page SEO is to promote your website. While the previous SEO kinds focused on the website's infrastructure and content, off-page SEO is concerned with strategies for promoting your website on the Internet.

Popular websites are more likely to rank higher on Google than less popular websites.

The following are the most essential off-page SEO techniques:

  • Creating Links. The practice of obtaining SEO backlinks from other websites is known as link building.

  • These backlinks operate as 'votes of trust,' increasing the authority of the destination website (assuming the link does not have the nofollow tag connected to it).

  • Promotion of the brand. Because customers trust well-known businesses, Google prefers to rank them high in search results.

  • Aside from advertising your website in order to obtain backlinks, you should also concentrate on promoting your brand and encouraging talks about it in various social media networks and forums.

  • Google can detect these signals and reward pages that people discuss.

Local SEO

Local SEO is a form of SEO that is exclusively appropriate for local businesses.

In other words, if you have a website and want customers to visit your local business, you need to optimize it for local SEO.

Everything described above applies to Local SEO, except for the following guidelines:

  • Make sure your company name, address, and contact information are visible on all pages of your website.

  • Add the Local Business Schema to your website's homepage.

  • Set up a Google My Business account.

  • Register your company with reputable directories like Yelp, Yahoo Small Business, Foursquare, and others.

  • Make use of local directories and websites to promote your website (for example online local newspapers).

Mobile SEO

Mobile SEO is not a distinct kind in and of itself, but rather a subset of SEO tailored to mobile devices.

Indeed, more than 60% of Google searches are now conducted on mobile devices.

This is a significant figure, and it shows that the Internet is shifting away from the traditional desktop and toward mobile devices.

This is also why Google chose to build a mobile-first index and begin crawling mobile-friendly versions of websites rather than desktop versions.

When working on Mobile SEO, you must ensure the following:

  • Your website is responsive to mobile devices. Running the mobile-friendly test is an excellent place to start.

  • On mobile, the website loads quickly.

  • The mobile version of the website is simple to use.

  • Interstitial banners, other forms of aggressive advertising, or popups do not disrupt the mobile user experience.

eCommerce SEO

eCommerce is a massive business. When it comes to search engine optimization, working on an eCommerce website is more difficult than working on a blog or a corporate website.

You have many more pages to optimize, and promoting an eCommerce website is even more challenging.

The following are the most significant eCommerce SEO factors:

  • The homepage and category pages are the first places to start when optimizing an online store. Before you begin working on your product pages, you must optimize these two sorts of pages.

  • Based on the findings of your keyword research, optimize your product pages.

  • Optimize ALL of your store's aesthetic components (images, videos)

  • Include the required schemas (product, offers, etc.)

  • Use social media to promote your store.

  • Consider novel approaches to getting people to connect to your product pages.

  • Create a blog and provide information about your goods and how they may assist customers to solve problems.

Black Hat SEO vs. White Hat SEO

Is there such a thing as black hat SEO?

Some individuals believe ‘black hat SEO' to be a form of SEO, which confuses newcomers.

Black Hat SEO is just a phrase used to describe any efforts done to deceive search engine algorithms.

The sole result of using black hat tactics is that you will lose your Google ranks and trust, get penalized by Google, and have a lower probability of ever attaining any rankings in Google again.

All of the strategies discussed in this article are ‘White Hat SEO' approaches, and if you use them correctly, you will be able to rank high on search engines and receive a share of the search engine traffic.

Many individuals come up with suggestions on how to artificially build links to boost the ranks of a page on Google from time to time. These techniques are against Google's policies and should be avoided.

Important Takeaways

SEO is a very effective digital marketing strategy for any sort of website. An SEO-optimized website is more visible in search engines and provides a better user experience.

To make it easier to manage, the SEO process is divided into several sub-processes or kinds. Technical SEO, On-Page SEO, and Off-Page SEO are the three most significant forms.

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